The Subtle Art of Knowing When Not To Give A Fuck

Before starting a book like this, one thinks that it will change your life. Or, it will bring some kind of comfort or validation. This book does both and nothing at the same time. First of all, most of the times, watching a movie, series or reading a book is about the state of mind…

The Unmissable Hole In The Wall

This Hole in the Wall in Bangalore is definitely unmissable for lazy foodies like me. Despite living in Bangalore for several months now, I visited The Hole in the Wall in Kormangala for the first time last week and was surprised to see a long queue, waiting in the sun at 3 p.m. on a…

Finding Peace in basics – A weekend visit to Gokarna

Why do we click pictures and save them? What does looking at old pictures do to us? Looking at an old picture does nothing but take us back to that very moment when that picture was captured. It enables us to relive that moment which is now clouded with hundreds of other moments, emotions, complaints,…

Dear Mom, Aap meri favorite ho !

Dedicated to the woman without whom I wouldn’t be.  Hey you wonder woman who stands there smart and tall If you would not have been what you have been would I be at all? Have I ever told you that even though I am a big girl now I still remember the comforting sound of…